The PE43501 is a HaRP-enhanced, high linearity, 5-bit RF Digital Step Attenuator (DSA). This highly versatile DSA covers a 7.75 dB attenuation range in 0.25 dB steps. The Peregrine 50Ω RF DSA provides a serial-addressable CMOS control interface. It maintains high attenuation accuracy over frequency and temperature and exhibits very low insertion loss and low power consumption. Performance does not change with Vdd due to on-board regulator. This next generation Peregrine DSA is available in a 5x5 mm 32-lead QFN footprint.
Programming Modes : Direct Parallel, Latched Parallel and Serial-Addressable (Program up to eight addresses 000 - 111).
HaRPTM enhanced UltraCMOSTM device
Attenuation: 0.25dB steps to 7.75dB
High linearity :Typical 58dBm IP3
Excellent low-frequency performance
3.3V or 5.0V power supply voltage
Fast switch settling time
Programming modes:
[1] Direct parallel
[2] Latch parallel
[3] Serial Addressable : program up to eight addresses 000-111
High attenuation state @ power up(PUP)
CMOS compatible
NO DC blocking capacitors required
Packaged in a 32 lead 5*5*0.85mm QFN